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BHM Aquincum Museum and Archaeological Park

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1031 Budapest, Szentendrei út 135.

+ 36 1 250 1650

Summer opening hours (1 April – 31 October):

Exhibitions: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00–18:00

Archaeological Park: Tuesday-Sunday 9:00–18:00

Last entry at 17:30.

The closing of the museum starts at 17:40.

The museum is closed on Mondays!

Winter opening hours (1 November – 31 March):

Exhibitions: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00–16:00

Archaeological Park: Tuesday-Sunday 10:00–16:00, if the weather is dry and surfaces are not slippery.

Last entry at 15:30.

A múzeum zárása 15.45-kor kezdődik.

The closing of the museum starts at 15:45.

BHM Budapest Gallery

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 158.

+36 1 388 6784

Opening hours:

Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–18:00

The gallery is closed on Mondays.

BHM Kiscell Museum

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1037 Budapest, Kiscelli utca 108.

+36 1 388 8560

Opening hours:

Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–18:00

The gallery is closed on Mondays.

BTM Castle Museum

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 2. Buda Castle Building ‘E′

+36 1 487 8871

Opening hours:

Monday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00


Baths Museum

1033 Budapest, Flórián tér underpass

Currently closed!

Hercules Villa

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1033 Budapest, Meggyfa utca 21.

+36 1 250 1650

Open: 1 April – 31 October

Tuesday–Sunday: 10:00–18:00

Closed on Mondays.

Medieval Jewish Prayer House

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1014 Budapest, Táncsics Mihály utca 26.

+ 36 1 250 1650

Opening hours:

Monday: closed

Tuesday: 10:00–18:00

Wednesday: 10:00–18:00

Thursday: 10:00–18:00

Friday: 10:00–17:00

Saturday: closed

Sunday: 10:00–18:00

Imre Varga Collection

Free entry with Budapest Card!

1033 Budapest, Laktanya utca 7.

Open: 1 April – 31 October

Tuesday-Sunday 10:00–18:00

Open: 1 November – 31 March

Tuesday–Sunday 10:00–16:00

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