Quilting Bee // Exhibition by Woman Cave @ Golya, Vernissage 28/04
Exhibition from April 26th to May 3rd
Vernissage : 18:00 - 20:00 @ Golya
A quilting bee is a small gathering during which participants make quilts with the patchwork method. These events were very popular in the United States in the mid 19th century because they offered a social space open to all, for meeting and chatting all the while partaking in a creative endeavor collectively. The Woman Cave Collective has brought their quilting bee to Budapest all the way from Paris, France, and will present a 9x5 meter patchwork co-created during in France and Belgium.
In preparation of the second Woman Journal dedicated to the notion of gender in different spaces, Woman Cave Collective launched a series of participative action-discussions that would allow people to exchange ideas while creating together. In France and in Belgium, people printed their quotes for emancipation onto the 9x5 meter large patchwork made of repurposed materials. This activity of crafting together brought up interesting discussions around inclusivity and the presence of gender in our language.
This activity is continued April 26th at ISBN with a workshop in collaboration with Pink Pony, event here :
Cave Talks Part 3 is supported by Budapest Gallery, the French Institute in Budapest and @ISBN books + gallery.
The Woman Cave Collective is a transdisciplinary collective exploring the notion of gender and inclusivity in spaces, founded by architect Chloé Macary-Carney, artist and researcher Léticia Chanliau and anthropologist Aleksandra Belova. We explore the notion of gender and inclusivity in different spaces by creating safe spaces and activating creative moments of discussion. Woman Cave is a space of exchange that promotes benevolence, the collective dimension and mutual aid. It is above all, an «espace-outil» a space tool, inspired by the red tents, feminine circles of discussion.
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