The exhibition 'Shine!' reopens, catalogue launches soon


The fashion history exhibition of the Kiscell Museum, 'Shine! - Fashion and Glamour' has reopened after a brief temporary closure. The exhibition catalogue launches on 22 January 2020.

Following a brief temporary closure, the exhibition, seen by more than 6,000 visitors already, 'Shine! - Fashion and Glamour' has reopened in the Kiscell Museum. 

The guiding principle of the exhibition was the nature of the light of celestial bodies, as well as the duality of light and darkness, of day and night - so the sun was accompanied by gold garments, the moon, of course, by silvery-white ones, and the starry sky by black and gold/silver items of clothing and accessories. 

The exhibition also presents a change in the meaning of glittering dresses in society: what used to be a symbol of power and domination is increasingly used to highlight individuality from the second half of the 20th century. Nowadays, shiny pieces can be worn by anyone who feels them appropriate to their personality and situation.

At the exhibition catalog launch event, which will take place at the Kiscelli Museum at 5pm on 22 January 2020, art dealer and collector Eleni Korani, fashion historian Judit Szatmári and actor-presenter Evelin Dobos will participate in a discussion about the topic.

On the occasion of the Day of Hungarian Culture, admission is free at the museum on 22 January from 4 pm.

BTM Kiscell Museum, 11 October 2019 - 15 March 2020
Curated by Judit Anna Szatmári, Head of the Textile Collection of the Kiscell Museum

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