On 26 September, 'Birth' by Tamás Péli will be on display for the last time at the Budapest History Museum. The final event is a farewell before the departure: we have been with Péli's work for a scant four months, and after the finale it will be going on an unknown journey. We hope that it will arrive in a worthy and permanent exhibition space. We would like it to be shown at major art fairs in Europe. But perhaps it will go back into storage and disappear again, for an indefinite period.

Participants in the closing event were asked to bring a little something of their own to take with them, at their own discretion, before departure, until the next reunion, near or far. It could be a story, a song, a poem, or just a few sentences, a message, a gift - a preparation for a journey to who knows where. The evening will be attended by, among others, Ágnes Daróczi, Aladár Horváth, the UCCU Roma Informal Educational Foundation, the Tudás6alom Theater Education Group, and anyone else who comes.

The programme is free to attend but registration is required:

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