Night of the Artefacts 2021
"A gift for Mrs Blaha" - A fan's wanderings

The presentation is held by museologist Dr. Judit Anna Szatmári, Head of the Textile Collection of the Kiscell Museum.

Please note that the program is in Hungarian.

A fan from the estate of Lujza Blaha, the 'nation's nightingale', was donated to her beloved capital city. The bombing of the Kiscell Museum during World War II not only damaged the building, but also many objects. The fan was shattered: two smaller parts were left behind, while the larger part was lost. Decades later it turned up at the Jósa András Museum in Nyíregyháza. Thanks to the curiosity of the museologists, their inquiries and research have revealed the fan's origin. They contacted our museum and we thank them for returning the missing fragment. The pieces of the fan have now been reunited and, after restoration, are now on display again.

The maximum number of participants in the event is 12.

Registration is required for the event on the following link:

Please purchase your ticket in advance:ásárlás


In accordance with Government decree 484/2020. (XI. 10.), the museum may only be visited by coronavirus Immunity Certificate holders and minors in their care. Entrance to the museum is subject to the presentation of an Immunity Certificate in the form of a plastic card or by showing the verifying QR code in the vaccination certificate application, and a personal identification card issued and accepted by a Hungarian authority. For our detailed safety guidelines, please click here.

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