The all-arts event series will conclude with the announcement of the audience awards and a clip of Rita Góbi’s improvisative contemporary dance performance to Dávid Szegő’s drum solo. The two audience awards will also be announced at the closing event of the Design Without Borders exhibition.

Virtual tours:
Church Hall
Permanent exhibition spaces (Contemporary carpets)

One non-Hungarian exhibitor will receive a voucher for two nights for two persons from Art’otel Budapest Park Plaza; and one Hungarian designer and their partner will get to spend two nights in any Hunguest Hotel in Hungary. Despite the pandemic situation the exhibition attracted a record number of visitors. Four vouchers worth 15 000 HUF each will be raffled off among the visitors who cast votes for the audience awards. The vouchers were offered up by Andrea Kesserű,Valéria Fazekas, the Eventuell Gallery and the Palmetta Gallery.

Following the exhibition in Budapest – for the first time in its 15-year history – the Design Without Borders exhibition will open its doors in the Umelka Gallery in Bratislava in May 2021 and then in designaustria in Vienna in a scaled-down form. 

Those who were unable to see the exhibition in person can find films, blog posts and other unique content about the exhibition at the project’s website. Visitors to the website can also see the works of now nearly 500 artists and supporting partners.

Time and date of the finissage: 15 November 2020, 16:00 – 18:00

web development: